“The shift in weather. Cooler temperatures mean hunting season!” -Brandon Bruette“I love when the weather starts to get colder. I also love Halloween and all of the fun holiday stuff like getting to go to the pumpkin patch!” –Allison von Brevern“I grew up on a farm, so now when I go home in the fall my favorite thing to do is ride in the combine with my dad. I didn’t used to think about it when I was younger, but now it means a lot to me.” –Danielle Koestler“Finding out that it is fall from all of the girls on instagram… Or pumpkin spice lattes.” –Sam Russell“I love seeing all of the leaves change color because it’s so pretty, but I also like the cooler temperatures because it means I can dress in sweaters and jeans again!” –Nicki Rucinski“I love watching the bluffs change color from my window! It’s such a beautiful view.” –Samantha Fitzpatrick
“I really enjoy all of the color change. I love to go for bluff hikes. It’s so beautiful in the fall.” –Kelsey Jackson
“Either switching from cold to hot coffee or finally getting to wear flannels! They’re so comfortable.” –Nina Zess“The cooler temperatures, color changes and football.” –Sam Riebau