How to be a successful science major at UWL

Stephanie Koss, News Reporter

The sciences, specifically biology, are very popular major choices at UW-La Crosse. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your science studies that you possibly can:

  1. Choose something you enjoy. It might take a while or even a few courses for you to figure out what field of the sciences you really enjoy, but it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to choose something you’re genuinely interested in. Science is NOT an area of study in which you can somewhat like the subject and still succeed. Like many other things in life, the field of science is about passion. Passion in this field will carry you for miles.
  1. You’re going to get questions wrong. The science courses are known to be particularly challenging at UWL, but they don’t have to be looked at in that manner. Before you let that stereotype scare you, just realize that they are made to be challenging because they are meant to prepare you well for your studies to come and for your applications in the real world. When you’re paying thousands of dollars, don’t you want to be prepared as best as you can be? When you get questions wrong, instead of letting that discourage you, utilize those times as opportunities for growth. Many times in the sciences, questions are centered around common themes that will normally be asked again in later exams. Don’t get questions wrong twice because you failed to learn it the first time.
  1. Keep up on science news. It sounds silly, but follow the major science journals (Nature, Science, and Cell) on Facebook and bookmark their webpages. Even just surrounding yourself with the up-to-date happenings of the scientific world will allow you to be more knowledgeable and aware, which will ultimately build up your science repertoire. Being “with the times” in the field of science will always benefit you, even if it’s just taking a quick glance at that most recent evolutionary study.
  1. NEVER be afraid to approach your professors. The biggest thing to realize is that a majority of these professors have spent the greater part of their lives learning and researching their particular area of study, and many have their PhD’s. Almost every professor at UWL, especially in science, are more than happy to help you succeed when you’re having a tough time. Never shy away from popping into their office hours or staying after class to ask a quick question.
  2. Appreciate and realize that each field of science works together. Because many of the sciences work together and have common themes that intertwine, it’s always beneficial to learn as much as you can about all the sciences and to not limit yourself to one particular area. Picking up an extra course about evolution or a physics course about optics will never be a disadvantage of you, especially when these subjects rely so heavily on one another.

Know that science is temporary and constantly evolving. Many concepts in science are very provisional, meaning that the understandings we currently have are because we are utilizing the most current research to shape our comprehensions. What is true and widely accepted today might not be tomorrow. Keeping an open mind about what could change is something that will aid you as you study science in the years to come.