Humans of UWL: Chloe Hart

Chloe Hart. Photo taken by Henry Anderson.

Henry Anderson, Photojournalist

Hairspray tells the story of Tracy Turnblad as she tries to achieve her dream of dancing on a local dance TV program. While the story of Tracy in Hairspray started as a 1988 movie directed by John Waters, it eventually became a musical in the late 2000s. Within a year of its release, Hairspray became increasingly popular with its 2003 Tony Award.  

From here, Hairspray became a musical that was played across the nation by numerous theaters and schools. Eventually, when Hairspray came through St. Paul, it was then that Chloe Hart got her start. From this would grow a love for musicals that stays with her to this day.  

Hart is a junior here at UWL that hails from St.Paul, Minnesota. However, she didn’t get her start here at UWL. “I am a transfer student from UWM,” says Hart. However, Hart’s tenure at UWM didn’t last very long. “So, I was a musical theater major my freshman year at Milwaukee and I lasted one semester,” Hart says. 

She continues by saying, “The program was not what I signed up for. I wanted to be able to audition for professional shows in Milwaukee and get voice lessons all four years; and they just told me no right away when I got there.” Additionally, Hart says that, “some people just decided to send me really mean text messages and I was not into it. So, I dropped out.”  

Along with a bad start at UWM, something else was drawing Hart to UWL. “I am kind of a legacy student,” says Hart. She said, “My grandparents worked here, my mom and dad graduated from here, my older brother went here, and my aunt and uncle went here.” Hart continues by saying, “I was trying to be different, like the black sheep of the family, and go somewhere else. But I ended up here.” 

“But I love it here,” says Hart. And after spending a semester off school in Nashville auditioning for NBC’s The Voice, Hart enrolled herself here at UWL studying communications and art administration. “I felt like I needed to be more realistic,” says Hart about why she switched to a different field of study. 

However, switching her field of study didn’t fully separate Hart from doing what she likes to do. “In one of my communication classes, we were just doing some introductions,” says Hart. She goes on to say, “They asked us what was our ‘best day ever.’ I said my best day ever was winning a triple threat competition in St. Paul. Afterward, this kid came up to me after class and he was like, ‘Wait, you are from St. Paul, and you won that contest? You should join the theatre department,’” continues Hart. She says further that, “So I did and now we are co-starring in the musical.”  

The musical that Hart is referring to is called She Loves Me. “It is really similar to the movie You’ve Got Mail with Tom Hanks except with letters instead of emails, and it takes place in the 1930s,” Hart says. One of the lead roles in She Loves Me, which is played by Hart, is a woman named Amalia Balash. “Amalia is very confident and awkward on the outside, but very insecure on the inside. She is the one who is corresponding with the guy, his name is Georg, in the play,” describes Hart.  

Hart continues to describe the plot of the musical by saying, “Over the letters, they fall in love with each other but in real life, they work together at a perfumery where they hate each other’s guts.”   

Along with involving herself in the musical, Hart is also very involved around campus. “I work in the leadership involvement center. I am also a vanguard, so I give tours around campus, and then I am the vice president of comm club,” says Hart. In a similar sentiment to her involvement on campus, Hart leaves with some noteworthy advice. “Get involved,” says Hart. Hart concludes with, “I know it’s cliché, but it gives you something to do all the time, it keeps you out of the bad habits of college and you can meet so many new people.”  

Hart’s hope for the future after college is to work. Hart says “I really want to work for a non-profit art organization. Specifically, my dream job is at Spotlight Education in Minneapolis, Minnesota.” Lastly, in reflection on her time here at UWL, Hart says, “I feel like college has been a journey and I am excited to be done.” 

If you are interested in seeing Hart perform in the up-and-coming musical, She Loves Me here at UWL, opening night is April 22nd at 7:30 pm. The production runs through the 1st of May. For any additional information, head to this link