Life hacks for a good night’s sleep

Ellie Brown, Staff Reporter

Being a college student is stressful. Something everyone probably struggles with is not only getting enough sleep, but also making sure it’s good sleep. There are many things students can do to improve their sleep schedule, so here are some tips to have better, longer-lasting sleep.
• Try to stick to the same bedtime each night or at least the same routine. When your body gets into the habit of a certain time being designated for sleep, it will be easier to fall asleep at that time each night.
• Make your bed a space only for sleeping. Try not to sit on your bed or hang out in that area too often, if possible, because then you will associate it less with sleeping and more with socializing or other activities.
• Exercise daily. Exercising is healthy and can provide an outlet for anxiety. (Just make sure that the exercise doesn’t interfere with your sleep schedule!)
• Avoid naps in the afternoon if possible. While this isn’t always doable, if you are an afternoon napper, keep them brief. Additionally, the earlier in the afternoon that they are, the better.
• This one may seem like a given, but invest in a comfortable mattress and pillow. Sleeping takes up a large part of our life and being comfortable is important. Also, having a higher quality pillow that you replace periodically allows for less allergens to collect on it, contributing to less distractions while you are asleep.
• Limit heavy meals and caffeine intake later in the day. If you’re uncomfortable, falling asleep will only be that much harder. And if you drank a whole glass of water within an hour of bedtime, you’ll be making trips to the bathroom all night.
• Wind down as bedtime approaches. While it’s tempting to browse Pinterest on your laptop or read Facebook statues on your phone, try to disengage yourself from electronics. Instead, read a book or listen to relaxing music.
• This one is important for people who either have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. If you can’t get to sleep, don’t continue to lay in bed. Instead, get up and find something relaxing to do somewhere else. Oftentimes, if you are relating your bed to something that causes you anxiety, it will keep you awake longer.
Whether it’s all of your final exams that are stressing you out or not having enough time to play Minecraft and manage that final project, sleep should always be an important factor. Try not to sacrifice sleep for anything else. If studying for finals becomes an issue, make a schedule that allows for sleep. This will also help de-stress your life a little bit, and stress is something that often gets in the way of good sleep.
So sit back, relax and get some sleep.