Awareness through performance looks for new members

Ellie Brown, Staff Reporter

Awareness Through Performance (ATP) is a group of students on campus who perform skits for fellow students centering on issues of social justice. They were created in 2006, and as of now, the Research and Resource Center for Campus Climate supports them and the three productions that they put on each year.
The performances highlight one issue, which could be local, national or even global. The skits then narrow the issue to make them relevant to students, specifically targeting the UW-La Crosse campus. Issues that they’ve addressed include ableism, racism, privilege, sexism and many others that affect people on a daily basis.
As the name suggests, those who participate in ATP are trying to create awareness of these issues and spark new conversations and thoughts in their audience. Some of the skits are lighthearted, while others are hard to process emotionally and they may trigger certain reactions. All of them have a clear meaning that they intend to deliver to the audience.
Active ATP performer Andy Emond, a sophomore, said that “it’s a really fantastic group to have on campus because it ushers in awareness and highlights the need for social justice, equality, and inclusivity, which is one of the university’s pillars.”
Andy is a newcomer to ATP this semester, but it’s already been very impactful on him. He said that while the shows are typically meant for students, anyone can take a message from them. The issues they portray are relevant to anyone, and no matter where in life someone is, they can learn from the performances.
Those who are interested in joining ATP can apply on the website or contact Amanda Goodenough, who serves the primary advisor, at the Campus Climate office in Centennial Hall. They are currently accepting applications for the second semester of the 2015-16 school year.
While anyone can apply, those who are interested are expected to participate in what the website calls “the Process,” which includes a week of intense learning and training before the first performance.
According to the Awareness Through Performance website, “We convene for what we call, ATP development week; a very full week devoted to creating a social justice performance. […] In turn, we transform our stories and conversations into scenes, weaving together our commonalities and differences in experiences. This process of ‘stories-to-scenes’ is essential to the success and impact of our performances.”
Attendance of ATP’s events has been highly encouraged to freshmen in the past, however all students could benefit from watching their performances. Their next performance is on Thursday, April 16 and is an Open Mic performance. For more information about Awareness Through Performance, check out their website or visit the Campus Climate office. Either being a part of the group or watching, it’s a great way to get involved and help the community become aware and informed of the issues of today.