On Wednesday, Aug 28, Chancellor James Beeby gave his Fall Welcome Address inside of the Bluffs Ballroom in the Student Union. Faculty and staff gathered to listen to Beeby and other members of UWL’s Leadership Team speak.
Beeby welcomed staff and faculty members and thanked them for the work they do for the university. “We could not be the institution of quality, academically, that we are, without such committed faculty. Thank you, faculty, for all you do,” said Beeby.
Beeby next thanked the Executive Assistant to Chancellor Bobbi Webster, Provost and Vice Chancellor Betsy Morgan and Bob Hetzel for helping create a smooth transition into Beeby’s role as chancellor.

Morgan then spoke on retention rates and the number of credits students are bringing with them from high school, celebrating that 71% of students who attend UWL graduate in four years.
Morgan presented the Eagle Excellence Award to six teachers and one advisor who were voted on by students. This year’s winners were Adam Driscoll, Charlotte Roberts, Tori Svoboda, Diana Tempski, Darci Thoune, Sherwin Toribio and Melissa Weege.
The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Stephanie Pope, spoke next. Pope spoke on how the Administration and Finance team is preparing to look at ways to be more flexible, make the best long-term financial decisions and still value accountability and prudent fiscal management.
Then, Vice Chancellor Stacy Narcotta-Welp spoke on the student experience at UWL and the implementation of a program that would explain free-speech, civil discourse and methods for students to find their place on campus. Narcotta-Welp also announced a Pride Living Learning Community (LLC) as well as the Aerie LLC, a community launching in 2025 for students who are interested in exploring their identity.
Narcotta-Welp addressed the understaffing of the Diversity and Inclusion division at UWL and said, “As of October, for the first time in two and a half years, every position, top to bottom, in the division of diversity and inclusion will be filled by staff.”
Vice Chancellor Vitaliano Figueroa spoke next and outlined some priorities for the upcoming year, the most prominent of those being the health, wellness and success of the students at UWL. Figueroa introduced a mindset performance program for student athletes and spoke on the renovation of the climbing wall in the REC, which will re-open this spring.
Figueroa next introduced the A9 Eatery, a facility inside of the Whitney Dining Center that will accommodate students who have allergies to the nine main allergens, providing a safe space for the students who are sensitive to those allergens.
Figueroa then gave the floor to Allison Ziegelman, the Vice Chancellor of Advancement, who spoke on what she has been doing to advance the culture of philanthropy on UWL’s campus. Ziegelman introduced an event that will be happening this fall called One Day for UWL. This year’s event is UWL’s fifth annual giving day, taking place on October 15 and 16. More information about the event will be available on September 15. Ziegelman also shared that in the last fiscal year, over 1.3 million dollars was awarded to students through various scholarships.
Chancellor Beeby returned to the stage to deliver his closing remarks and present awards. The University Staff Excellence award was presented to Dirck Nagy, a library assistant at Murphy Library, the University Staff Excellence Program award was presented to the Student Life Office and the Academic Staff Excellence Award was presented to Vice Chancellor Stacy Narcotta-Welp.
Beeby proceeded to speak about the people he has met during his time in La Crosse and how much they care for UWL and love having our university here. Beeby also met with each member of the state delegation and shared that, “Every single member, every single one, Republican or Democrat, cares about university.”
Next Beeby stated he is eager to learn and become accustomed to the community and wants to know the ins and outs of UWL. Another of Beeby’s goals is to create a strategic plan for the university’s continued growth. Beeby said, “We are already excellent, how are we going to be better?”
Beeby shared news concerning science and laboratory studies at UWL: “We are going to complete the Prairie Springs building on this campus. It is absolutely critical for our students, and for this campus. Our entire state delegation, Republican and Democrat, have to publicly support it in the state legislature,” said Beeby. Beeby also said Prairie Springs is the most important project the Universities of Wisconsin Systems has right now.
Beeby finished the address by commenting on how strong of a community La Crosse has and how committed he is to the education of the students who attend UWL.