Fall decor for your door

Emily Hilby, Associate Reporter

It is that time of year again. Leaves are giving off one last colorful hurrah before falling to the ground, pumpkin spice everything infiltrates stores and fall decorations start popping up with ever-increasing frequency. In the dorms, there is only so much room to decorate before your loveable roommate gets fed up and threatens to take back control of the shared living space. Jack-o-lanterns are also frowned upon in dorms for various valid reasons such as they are fire-hazards and can result in large messes.  This limits decorating options, but do not lose hope. There is still plenty to decorate in order to get into this fall season: the door to your room.

The door is a prime spot for decorating because it is visible to all that walk by, it leaves your room available for actual living in your dorm room and the door provides a large canvas to work with.

In order to get in the Halloween spirit, it is not necessary to break the bank, just a bit of craftiness is needed. One idea is a candy corn banner as seen on Pinterest by The Pin Junky.  All that you need for the project is some white paper plates, coloring utensils, scissors, glue (not a glue stick) and string. First, take a paper plate and color an orange ring around the rim, then yellow for the center ring. Leave the center circle white since it will be the tip of the candy corn. Then, divide the plate up into triangles like you would a pizza. Next, cut out the triangles. Finally, attach the candy corn pieces to the string using glue before hanging on the door. The result is a super sweet decoration for not much dough or effort.

A classic Halloween decoration which is easy to create is a ghost. Just take either white cloth or paper and cover the outside of the door with it. Then, cut some shapes out of black paper for the eyes and mouth or draw them on with black marker.  Now you have adorably haunting door to greet all that go by.

Another cheap and easy idea is wrapping the door in crepe paper (A.K.A. rolls of paper streamers) or toilet paper. Add some eyes, and voilà! Your door is now a festive mummy perfect for getting into monster-filled October.

One idea that may make you and your roommate very popular would be to stick candy on to the door with a sign saying trick or treat. The decorations may not stay put for very long, but giving out food equals instant friends and as any kid will tell you, the best part of Halloween any is the copious amount of candy. Since many of us are still kids at heart, candy is never a bad idea.

The reasons for decorating vary. Some love fall. Anything fire colored, pumpkin-esque and mysterious. Others want to bring a homey feel by adding little touches to celebrate the change of season.  

Freshman Libby Eckhoff’s reason for decorating is, “I can’t resist seasonal things at Walmart, honestly!”

And who can resist all the pumpkins, fiery colors and spooky nick-knacks?