Must do’s before the weather outside gets frightful

Alexandra Ronnestrand, Staff Reporter

The season of cheer may be winter, but the fall season is known for that and much more.  With so many activities to do, it is no wonder that autumn is looked forward to by most of the population.  Winter is just around the corner, so here are some fun things to do before fall is just another leaf in the wind.

  1. An autumn must is to visit an apple orchard.  Apples, apple pie, apple crisp, apple butter and other apple treats are fall essentials.  Visit the orchard with friends, family or a significant other.  Most apple orchards have corn mazes, and corn mazes are in the spirit of fall festivities.  Make it a scary corn maze in honor of Halloween.  After running through the maze, look forward to a hot apple cider and pumpkins to take home for carving. Everyone loves roasted pumpkin seeds.  
  2. One beautiful part of fall is the changing colors in nature.  An easy and great childhood classic is raking up all the leaves and jumping into them.  Believe it or not, it lets off stress and is sure to provide some great laughs.  
  3. Get outside for a bluff hike for a brilliant view or go on a walk to the local ice cream shop.  Before it becomes too cold, take advantage of the local farmer markets.  Take a stroll to get fresh vegetables and fruits to get healthy food and a nice workout.  
  4. When snow flurries fly, sports go inside.  While sports remain outdoors, take advantage and join in on the football madness, whether it be a local game or in support of the national football league.  It is always an enjoyable time to jump around and cheer for that special team!  
  5. Summer is known for its outdoor nights by the fire and its warm days filled with picnics, but there is no reason why someone cannot take part in these things in the fall.  Maybe even a little bit more likable without all the bugs, camping outside, having a picnic, or gathering up some friends for a campfire with s’mores and hot dogs is a great way to be outdoors and enjoy fall.  
  6. An all-around favorite of fall, besides the glorious thanksgiving feast everyone waits in anticipation for, is Halloween.  No matter if winter weather shows itself a little early or if the sun is still radiating warmth, going out and trick-or-treating is great way to engage in the environment and be outside; more importantly, it is a great way to dress up and earn some rich, delicious candy.  

There are so many lively and entertaining activities to do outside that it would be impossible to list them all.  Look forward to all the amazing food at Thanksgiving, and after, suggest doing something outdoors!  Do all that you can before the cold sets in and hibernation becomes a must.  Winter is coming.