Should I go to graduate school?

Important questions to answer before making the commitment

Alexandra Ronnestrand, Staff Reporter

Graduate school seems like a natural progression in education.  But how beneficial is it when people are doing it for all the wrong reasons?  Like any decision made, sound reasoning is important especially when dealing with money, education, and perhaps the future state of your life.  Graduate school can be exiting, rewarding and challenging or it can be exhausting, financially draining and ultimately a waste of time.  To decide if graduate school is the right decision, there are some questions that are necessary to ask.  

UW-L Crosse Graduate Admissions Dean and Counselor, Dr. Don Martin, states there are seven questions one should ask before committing to graduate school in her article for  

  1. Why do I want to go?  Maybe the simplest one to ask but the hardest to answer, that is to establish what the right reasons to go are.  Is if for family? To gain a better job or salary later in life?  Or is it to learn more about something you’re truly passionate about?  Once that is established, the process to decide will be easier
  2. Why do I want to do this now?  Decide if emotionally or financially you are stable enough to go through the program at this time.  Do not decide to go because it is only the next step or time is ticking but go because it is feels right.  
  3. What type of academic or professional degree am I seeking?  Graduate school is already a long and testing endeavor so it is important to choose something you are passionate about and not something you only hope to benefit from in your professional career.  
  4. In what geographic region do I want to study?  There are many places around the United States and even the world that offer the perfect program suited for anyone’s specific needs.  Don’t limit yourself and be open to exploring locations.  You may find that somewhere across the ocean has everything or perhaps the school next door.  
  5. What type of learning and student experience am I seeking?  There are many flavors that accompany a graduate program.  Look at the style of teaching that is provided: lecture, close interaction?  Also, whether or not the school is private or public or offers a strong social interactions between peers is another influential point to look at for your overall decision.
  6. Will significant others impact my plan?  Children, spouses, and other family and friends may play a drastic part in the decision of when, where, and if one goes to graduate school.  Discuss with important others and come to an understanding about what everyone is looking for through this decision.  
  7. Should I consider a full-time or part-time program?  Depending on time, money, and other obligations, establishing which is better suited for you will help you in the program.  

There are many great and fulfilling graduate programs offered here at UW-L, but do not close yourself off to other schools.  Follow your passions and dreams, and life will follow.