“It’s great, but are we actually doing anything?”: We asked UWL students to participate in a survey about gun violence, here are the results

Photo by Ariel Davis for NPR

Sam Stroozas, Managing Editor

With the recent discussions of gun control, The Racquet Press constructed a survey that UWL students could take in order to voice their opinions on the matter. The survey consisted of ten questions which are listed below. 

  1. What is your grade level and major?
  2. Why did you want to participate in this survey? 
  3. What is your current opinion on mass shootings and gun control in America? 
  4. If you believe we need tighter gun control, what legislation do you wish existed, and if you think it is acceptable the way it is, what leads you to that conclusion? 
  5. What do you believe is the biggest cause of mass shootings and why? 
  6. Have mass shootings played a role in your life? Whether being that of safety, fear, etc. 
  7. Do you feel safe at UWL? Why or why not?
  8. “As we pray for the people of El Paso and Dayton, let us resolve to ACT to make our communities safer and do our part to ensure that our heritage of family and faith and freedom is renewed and preserved for this generation and the next. God bless the people of El Paso and Dayton.” How does this tweet make you feel? 
  9. “Blaming mental health and video games is a coordinated, cheap denial by the president and the NRA meant as a distraction. The bigger driver of these incidents is white supremacy, an ideology fostered by this president.” How does this tweet make you feel?
  10. Do you have anything else you would like to share with us?

These questions were determined by The Racquet Press Managing Editor Samantha Stroozas and Executive Editor Karley Betzler based on similar trends seen in the news recently and journalistic interest. Question eight is a tweet from the current vice president, Mike Pence, and question nine is a tweet from presidential candidate and Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Casto. The quotes were not attributed to Pence and Castro in the survey sent to participants. 

After the survey was sent out to students the UWL Student Association President Sita Agterberg released a statement from the executive team: 

“Since Student Senate is not in session at this time, UWL Student Association as a collective does not have a unified statement, however, the Student Association Executive Cabinet believes this is a matter that needs to be discussed. Senators ultimately have the decision as to whether or not they would like to pursue this issue once the school year begins.

The recent shootings that occurred in Ohio and Texas are tragic. We understand that UW-L and the surrounding community is not immune to anything that is happening nationally, which is why we want to continue promoting safety on campus. For the 2019-2020 school year, there are already plans to put in security cameras and increase training among students, including an optional ALICE training for all students. In 2015, UW-L students voted that concealed carry should not be allowed on campus, and we still uphold that opinion today. 

The United States is one of the only countries that has such prevalent and frequent mass shootings and something needs to change. If students ever feel there is a safety concern that needs to be addressed on campus, we encourage you to reach out to your Senator. If students are interested in taking action on this issue, whether it be through lobbying or a letter writing campaign, you can contact President Sita Agterberg ([email protected]) or State Affairs Director Alex Becker ([email protected]) and we will help you get in touch with legislators.”

Agterberg stressed that this is not the view of Student Association as a whole. 

Mass shootings and firearm laws in Wisconsin

Out of the 255 mass shootings so far in 2019, two of them occurred in Wisconsin. The first occurred in Milwaukee on June 26 and four people were injured. The second was in Chippewa Falls on July 28. Six people were killed, including the gunman, and one person was injured. 

Out of the 5.8 million people in Wisconsin 5.74 percent of residents have a gun permit and 21 years old is the minimum age for a conceal and carry. There is no permit, background check or firearms registration required when buying a handgun from a private individual. Open carry is legal for any person that is 18 years or older and not prohibited from possessing a  firearm under state and federal laws. Concealed carry is legal with a Wisconsin Concealed Weapons License (CWL) or a license/ permit from a state that Wisconsin honors. CWL’s are only issued to residents and military personnel station in Wisconsin. Application must be 21 or older, have completed a firearms training course and met other criteria. 

Gun-related deaths nationally and internationally

The most recent data from 2017 states that 39,773 people died from gun-related injuries in the United States. Based on per capita, there were 12 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2017, the highest rate in two decades. The number of gun murders rose 32 percent between 2014 and 2017. 

The gun death rate in the United States is “much higher than in most other nations, particularly developed nations. But still far below the rates in several Latin American nations.” The United States ranks 20th on the top 20 countries for firearms death rate in 2016. El Salavador is number one with 39.2 deaths per 100,000 people, a total of 2500 deaths. But, the United States ranks number two for the top 20 countries for total firearm deaths in 2016 with 10.6 deaths per 100,000 people in 2016 for a total of 37,2000 deaths. Brazil was ranked number one with 19.4 deaths per 100,000 people, a total of 43,2000 deaths. 

If you or someone you know has been impacted by gun violence or want to seek out help for mental health concerns reach out to UWL’s counseling and testing services. You can make an appointment in person or by calling 608-785-8073. 

The Racquet Press’ survey results

The survey was advertised on all of The Racquet Press’ social media accounts as well as personal social media accounts of our reporters and editors. This survey was also sent out to representatives from multiple student organizations. In total, eight people emailed expressing interest in taking the survey. Those taking the survey were told they could remain anonymous, all chose to except for UWL sophomore and student senator Brandon Micech. 

Micech is a student senator for the College of Business Administration for the 2019-2020 school year and served last academic year as a first-year senator. Prior to publication, Micech was contacted asking if he still wished to remain the only non-anonymous survey participant and he accepted. The results will all be presented anonymously, besides those reported by Micech. The rest of the participants will be referred to as “Participant 1…” in ascending order and referred to as “P1” after first mention. All participants consented that their data be published. 

Of those who participated, there were five seniors, two sophomores, and one junior. Four were from the College of Science and Health, one from the College of Business Administration, two from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and one participant was undeclared. The first question asked participants their year in school and major. 

Q2: Why did you want to participate in this survey? 

Participant one: “I wanted to participate because it seems like the whole gun control debate and mass shootings issue only presents one viewpoint. It often feels like both sides of the aisle make the very real issues political pieces in a radicalized game of chess.”

Participant two: “Voice my thoughts”

Participant three: “I usually stay quiet when it comes to politics or partisan issues- in my experience these conversations often lead to conflict and a general negativity, so I typically shy away from them. However, recent events have encouraged me to speak up about my own concerns even if my thoughts aren’t the best received.”

Participant four: “I think it’s a discussion we need to be having more often”

Participant five: “I feel very passionate about not only educating others but also learning about the different gun law agenda perspectives.”

Participant six: “I’ve been an activist for stricter regulations around guns for a long time, and recently I’ve been so terrified of being caught in a mass shooting that I avoid very public places.”

Participant seven: “To make sure all sides are represented”

Brandon Micech: “To make my voice heard and give my take on current events.”

Q3:  What is your current opinion on mass shootings and gun control in America? 

P1: “Honestly, I believe that many of the mass shootings are caused by various forms of undiagnosed mental illness. On top of this, news outlets make the perpetrators of these heinous acts idols for those who wish to further this harm by broadcasting their names instead of solely focusing on the victims. As for gun control, I am all for people embracing their Second Amendment Rights (within reason).”

P2: “Think it’s ridiculous and avoidable”

P3: “Obviously we have a problem with mass shootings in America. I think everyone, regardless of their political affiliation or beliefs, can agree. The discord comes from where the blame is to be place. What societal issue can this be traced back to? Many people think we need stricter gun control, and I agree that there’s a conversation to be had on the matter. I fully support the second amendment and the right to carry (which I know might not be the most popular opinion). I don’t think the NRA is to be blamed or disbanded. However, I do think that gun control could be slightly stricter, at least when it comes to semi-automatic firearms.”

P4: “It’s deplorable , and the fact that our president is blaming video games like it’s the 90s is absolutely ridiculous. We are having incoming tourists and immigrants being told to not come here because of the chance of being shot. I have severe anxiety and I’m honestly petrified to go to large-population areas because of the frequency of the shootings around the country. We need background checks and mandatory training, like hunter safety. We treat them like toys, and people can just go to Walmart and buy 10 if they want. We need to focus more on current and new policies rather than bullet-proof backpacks.”

P5: “Respectfully, I believe that it’s not an issue of “less guns” but instead more guns in the hands of the right people. Mass shootings occur most frequently in the United States, so clearly our country is doing something wrong. For commercial sales of a firearm, individuals already undergo a criminal background check at the state AND federal level. In terms of private sales of firearms, there are little to no regulations. I think that’s a great place for our government officials to start when it comes to creating stricter, safer gun laws. Instead of punishing the smart, safe gun owners by trying to ban most firearms, our country needs to reinforce gun education at an early stage in life and focus on the fabric of mental health of individuals in today’s day and age.”

P6: “I’ve always been an advocate for stricter gun regulations, my opinions have been based on fact and statistics. But now I’m terrified. Constantly anxious that the same could happen to me, to those I love, or in a familiar place. Every single time I’m in public, I find the exits, I think of how I would respond, and I pay sharp attention.”

P7: “They are terrible, obviously. I don’t believe taking all guns away are the answer, but regulations and screenings need to be enforced and expanded”

Brandon Micech: “I believe our country has strict gun control where there is a lot of extensive background checks in place. Calling for more gun control sounds like a gun grab. These shootings are occuring due to guns being illegally bought on the black market. Law-abiding gun owners/organizations are being slammed for being the reason these shootings are occuring. This is untrue. If all the guns are taken away from the people, the criminals would still have their guns that give the people no way of protecting themselves. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Recently, the STOP School Violence Act makes it possible for schools to be secure. This bill gives students, teachers (and others) the tools to recognize the early-warning signs to prevent violence from even entering our school grounds. The bill would allocate 50 million to train students, school personnel and local police on how to indicate warning signs and intervene to stop violence and suicide.

However, the bill is not going to address all of the problems. With this in mind, how can we address these problems that the School Violence Act leaves out? The answer is arming specific teachers and getting rid of gun-free zones. In 2016, Ohio State University experienced a tragedy when [a malicious student] ran over students on the sidewalk and lunged at bystanders with a butcher knife. Killing 11 before police arrived and shot him. This prompted the Ohio Senate to pass a bill to allow the state’s public colleges and universities to allow licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on campus.

The issue isn’t about guns. It’s about time. The more time a killer has, the more people die. Police are supposedly the first to respond to a crime or dangerous situation. But in most cases, police arrive on the scene after the crime has been committed, after the people targeted have been victimized, and after the bad guys run away . . . Who’s the real first responder? That’s easy: it’s the intended victim of a violent crime. On average, there are 12 to 16 deaths if you wait for police to arrive, but only two to three if someone confronts the killer immediately. 

Another issue is “gun free zones” Politicians create “gun-free zones” and think that they have solved some problems. They haven’t. Did you know that just about every mass shooting has occurred in a gun-free zone? A study by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that more than 97 percent of mass shootings since 1950 occurred in gun-free zones. There is a reason why mass shootings don’t happen at police stations or at gun ranges: there are no sitting ducks where everyone is armed.”

Q4: If you believe we need tighter gun control, what legislation do you wish existed, and if you think it is acceptable the way it is, what leads you to that conclusion? 

P1: “The only thing I wish for gun control is strict background checks. Mostly I say this because cities like Chicago which have extremely strict gun control laws are often the most dangerous. In a way, it’s similar to the prohibition of alcohol during the early 20th Century, and the War on Drugs of the Reagan Era. If people want something, they will get it.”

P2: “I’m conflicted by tighter gun control. I feel like in the US all legislation seems to be ineffective. Bipartisan legislation doesn’t work as both parties are at the end of the day taking money from arms companies and when in power supply arms so at the end of the day it’s all about how they are perceived and not about caring about shootings”

P3: “From my understanding, it’s already quite difficult to get ownership of a fully automatic firearm in the United States today. While I support the right to carry, I don’t think civilians need access to fully automatic firearms. If you look back though, the most recent mass shootings have been done with modified semi-automatic firearms. Semi-automatic firearms are much easier to purchase, but with certain modifications can be made to function more like fully automatic firearms. I support the ban on certain firearm modifications, like the bump stock ban (put into effect this year). I don’t think modifications such as bump stocks, which make semi-automatic firearms fire more rapidly, should be legal. I know some people will argue that these bans impede on the second amendment, but I think it’s necessary.”

P4: “Background checks, mandatory safety training.”

P5: “Stricter gun laws will far more likely keep the everyday “good guys” from obtaining a firearm. If a person with the intent to hurt another individual with a gun wants a weapon, they will obtain that firearm whether that be legally or illegally. I firmly believe that there should and can be laws and regulations put into place, such laws that apply to private firearm sales, but banning firearms like some people insist will only create more issues than our country already has.”

P6: “I think regulation to increase waiting time, stricter control of who and where can sell guns and ammo, stricter background checks, and more educational classes, similar to a structure of driver’s education. I also think that someone must have a valid reason for wanting a gun, a reason that must be approved, perhaps by a judge. Finally, limiting the types of guns and ammo available to the public.”

P7: “We need to have weapons available. People roll their eyes about government takeover, but it is a real possibility and we have to have a way to defend yourself. That being said, we need to have stricter laws on what kind of guns are sold. I am from the country, I have shot everything from 19/11s to an AR-15, and yea they are fun but I think they are unnecessary.”

Brandon Micech: “The proposed “Red Flag Laws” would allow people who think you are dangerous to call authorities anonymously and get your guns confiscated. This is a huge burden on the second amendment that would give anyone the incentive to call authorities on those who have guns in their households for protection. Those with guns are not necessarily dangerous.”

Q5: What do you believe is the biggest cause of mass shootings and why? 

P1: “I believe the biggest cause of mass shootings is the idolized nature of perpetrators on the mainstream news media. Often times these individuals suffer from some form of mental illness and seeing the faces of perpetrators plastered on all forms of media makes these individuals think that this is how they can make an impact.”

P2: “Inequality, white supremacy, hatred. The rhetoric of hate and scaremongering in US politics which people are subjected to brainwashed people in my opinion.”

P3: “I’m not sure if I want to boil this down to one reason. I believe mass shootings are caused by a number of factors, and that in just naming one, the others can get dismissed and overlooked. I think mental health does play a role, but there are obviously more factors than that. I’ve had my own struggles with anxiety and depression, but not once have I ever considered hurting another person. I believe the biggest cause of mass shootings is an individual wanting to hurt other people- I don’t think it can be narrowed down to one cause otherwise.”

P4: “It’s not just one thing, but a culmination of no legislation and regulation combined with radicals who are fueled by trumps hate rhetoric”

P5: “Truthfully, I don’t believe there is one sole cause of mass shootings. I do feel a huge part of the problem is how easy any individual can access social media, where anyone can destroy and harass another person, affecting their fabric of mental health. Websites that encourage white nationalistic ideologies, racism, and hate crimes are easy accessible to many individuals with preexisting mental health issues, which in turn, have lead to mass shootings and casualties in the past. Bullying, harassment, and hate are possible root causes for these mass shootings because individuals can harm others through the comfort of their own anonymity that social media platforms allow people to hide behind. There are almost no regulations as to who can obtain a social media account. Anyone, regardless of their own mental health status, is able to create social media accounts. This is a potential problem which can lead to mentally unstable individuals causing more harm on others.”

P6: “White supremacy, which in and of itself encompasses patriarchal views and toxic forms of masculinity. It is the inability or unwillingness to express strong emotion in an “unmanly” way that often leads to acts of violence like suicide, homicide, or mass killings by men. We as a society need to raise everyone to be comfortable talking about emotion, better educate about facts, and stop public officials from slandering members of society for people to point at as villains.”

P7: “Poor parenting. People can’t deal with stress because they have lived these easy cushy lives. If they get offended or things go the wrong way in their life they lash out violently. We have catered to people for too long and society needs to toughen the fuck up. Also, we over medicate children.”

Brandon Micech: “Mental Health/Bullying are the drivers for these mass shootings. If we look at the Parkland shooter, he was ridiculed over and over again until he snapped killing 17. The El Paso shooter was also mentally unstable where he had thoughts of committing violence against others before Trump even ran for President. The Parkland Shooter commented on a video on youtube saying he was going to be a future school shooter and the FBI did nothing. The Parkland Shooting happened because law enforcement failed.”

Q6: Have mass shootings played a role in your life? Whether being that of safety, fear, etc. 

P1: “As a direct impact? No. I try not to live my life constantly thinking something might happen just around the corner. In comparison to other regions of the world, we are still much better off in regards to safety.”

P2: “No. “

P3: “If anything, mass shootings have just changed my perspective on life. They’ve made me aware that terrible things can happen to innocent people even in the United States, and that some people are capable of committing truly heinous acts. I think that this issue is one of many in our country that continues to divide people based on their beliefs.”

P4: “Definitely terrified to go into large areas, I’ve had people come into my work on their way for a road trip to see if their child was someone who was shot.”

P5: “Mass shootings in the United States have, in a sense, encouraged me to want to get my conceal and carry license. I would feel more comfortable in the situation of a mass shooter if I had my own means of defense. I was raised how to care for and use a firearm. If others were educated in the same way, more individuals would have a certain level of respect and comfort when it comes to using a firearm.”

P6: “Yes. My entire life has shifted. I’m constantly terrified and anxious to be in public. Loud noises make me completely shut down and panic. I can’t travel anywhere without a heavy water bottle to throw or use as a weapon in case of a shooting. It’s a type of fear that reminds me of being a woman alone at night. I was trained to be constantly aware of my surroundings, have a weapon, be smart.”

P7: “Not really. Once i graduate college and move away, i fully plan to get my concealed carry, but that was always my plan.”

Brandon Micech: “When I heard the news that seventeen people were injured and killed in Parkland, Florida; all I wanted to do was help. I was scared for myself and my peers at my high school who went through various threats of mass devastation to our student body. It got so bad that I didn’t know if it was going to be the last time, I saw my parents or told them I loved them when I went to school. 

After what happened in Parkland, I quickly rose up to be a school safety activist in my community. I didn’t want my school to be added to the list of school shootings. On the day of the national walkout, myself and many other students wrote letters to government officials in the state of Wisconsin to express grave concerns about school safety. I was able to meet with a legislator of my assembly district to discuss the issue, but unfortunately nothing was achieved. 

My district then had a open forum where concerned students could voice their opinions with administrators, the police, and our superintendent. All input from the students was taken into consideration. On the safety committee, I advocated to invest in technology such as the “just in case” device that is placed under doors, mental screening tests, metal detectors, and arming specific teachers who wish to carry a firearm. They would be certified like a police officer and would have to meet certification renewals.

I also suggested having better protocol at schools in case of an active shooter. Having no colors as codes, have administrators taught to disarm an active shooter, encourage students to look for exit routes everywhere they go, remember/practice acronyms in case of a threat, having a mental health provider in my high school, and conduct live drill simulations of an active shooter at different parts of schools. 

I also have been working with my principal to get our liaison officer out in the halls. I went to the same school for four years and never saw him in halls once. I plan to meet with him soon to see if anything has changed.”

Q7: Do you feel safe at UWL? Why or why not? 

P1: “On campus, I am not concerned for my safety. I hold a high regard towards the local law enforcement and have come to expect others around who “see something” to “say something.””

P2: “When I was at UWL I did feel safe – however, before coming I was told by all close to me at home to be careful as all we ever hear about US colleges on the news is shootings.”

P3: “Yes and no. I understand why they don’t allow anyone to carry in the buildings on campus, however, I think that solely stops law abiding citizens from carrying. If someone were to come to campus with the intention of starting a shooting, they wouldn’t turn around once they see a “no weapons permitted sign,” but there would be no “good guy with a gun” to stop them. We do have campus and community police, and I’m grateful for everything they do to protect everyone, but I’m not sure they’d be able to intervene in time. Despite that, I feel safe at UWL. Maybe it’s ignorance, or an “it could never happen to me” feeling, but I don’t worry about getting shot on my way to school. I’m aware that a lot of other students in this country don’t feel the same way though.”

P4: “Yes, but not sure what the new year will bring.”

P5: “I feel safe at UWL because it feels like home. There’s always the uncertainty of the “what if’s” in terms of a shooting.”

P6: “No. Absolutely not. There’s never a class that goes by that I don’t think about the possibility of a shooting. I wish our campus would do a better job touching on the subject, it’s causes, and offering solutions.”

P7: “Yes. I feel the people on campus are more down to earth and stable people.”

Brandon Micech: “I do feel safe as UWL unlike I did a few years ago after the Parkland Shooting. My work as a school safety activist has followed me to college at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Currently, I am a student senator on our student government As a government, we worked with the campus police on an initiative last semester on improving our emergency alert system called Rave. 

This system was implemented to its fullest capacity in fall of 2018 and is now an “opt-out” system. This means that if a student wishes to “opt-out” from receiving alerts, they do so by logging into WINGS, the online portal, to adjust the settings. Students are automatically signed up to Rave when registering at UWL. 

As a result, the majority of the student body is receiving these alerts automatically which is very important. Rave informs students about catastrophic events such as an active shooter, a tornado, inclement weather, or any event requiring evacuation. These alerts are sent to desktop computers, phones, and digital signs both inside and outside of campus buildings. Notifications can be received via email, text message, and voice message. We are very proud of our work at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and are committed to safety on campus. However, I know we can do more to make campus safer for students and staff.”

Q8: “As we pray for the people of El Paso and Dayton, let us resolve to ACT to make our communities safer and do our part to ensure that our heritage of family and faith and freedom is renewed and preserved for this generation and the next. God bless the people of El Paso and Dayton.” How does this tweet make you feel? 

P1: “On the surface, this tweet is comforting. However, given that further details are not provided, I cannot help but think that the call to action may be so far radicalized that more issues would arise. It seems more like an Orwellian Utopia.”

P2: “It’s just hit air to be honest. A variation of ‘thoughts and prayers'”

P3: “I intentionally didn’t google who this tweet was by so that my reaction wouldn’t be influenced my preexisting judgements. While this tweet doesn’t go into specifics as to how we should “ACT,” I think it’s a strong call to change. It stresses the importance of taking action to solve this issue, while showing support for those who have suffered as a result of this country’s inaction.”

P4: “It’s great, but are we actually doing anything?”

P5: “My heart mourns for all those lives lost in the recent mass shootings. I support this tweet. I am what most would consider “pro-gun” but I acknowledge that change is needed in gun regulations”

P6: “It doesn’t feel like a true call to action. It doesn’t mention the lives taken or how the communities will be made safer. It feels like a tweet that was sent to appease rather than actually call to action.”

P7: “It doesnt move me in any way. You see too many tweets and realize thats exactly what they are. Just tweets. Social media is another waste in our society.”

Brandon Micech: “I like this tweet because it calls for unity. Both sides of the political spectrum are getting tangled up in politics after these shootings. We should be on the same page since we are all Americans. Mourn for the victims of these shootings and try to find solutions/common ground. Also, to not give shooters the fame they seek like the media does.”

Q9: “Blaming mental health and video games is a coordinated, cheap denial by the president and the NRA meant as a distraction. The bigger driver of these incidents is white supremacy, an ideology fostered by this president.” How does this tweet make you feel?

P1: “Unfortunately, this tweet seems to serve more as a tool of division than unification to fight these acts. Making these events a political chess piece does not solve the problem.”

P2: “I wholeheartedly agree with that statement”

P3: “Whoever wrote this tweet certainly did not hold back. I agree with them that video games are not to blame, and would even argue that the excuse itself is laughable. Violent video games are played all over the world, yet the United States seems to be the only country with a problem of mass shootings. I disagree though, because I do believe that mental health is a factor in some of our country’s mass shootings. White supremacy has also played a role in a number of mass shootings too. While not all mass shootings, it’s certainly too many. While the president himself has publicly condemned racism, I can see how one would argue that he fosters the ideology. This “go back to where you came from” mentality has pitted America against its immigrants (even the legal ones). There’s an entirely separate conversation to be had about the United States’ different attitudes/treatment towards white and brown immigrants. At the same time, I feel like this tweet is just another play in the “blame game” everyone has been playing lately. Or is there not a solution to this problem that doesn’t involve placing the blame on someone?”

P4: “Spot on”

P5: “This tweet is biased, uneducated, and I would love to sit down and have a civil discussion with this individual in order to understand their perspective.”

P6: “Empowered to act.”

P7: “Obviously very bias and political. And the fact that a strong portion of mass shooters have had medication prescriptions kind of disproves this statement. And im not even a Trump supporter.”

Brandon Micech: “This tweet is repulsive and demonstrates pure leftism. Grouping the President and conservatives together as white supremacists is untrue and wrong. President Trump did not incite any violence or had nothing to do with them. He even called out White Supremacy as evil. The Left does not like this because it doesn’t fit their narrative of Trump being a White Supremacist. Bernie Sander’s is not to blame when one of his supporters shot multiple Congressman at a Congressional Baseball game, Obama isn’t to blame for the cop shootings in Dallas, and Elizabeth Warren is not to blame for the Dayton Ohio shooter.

Mental Health is really what the driver is of all of this. If you tell a gun to shoot, it won’t shoot. It has to be pulled by an external force. We even saw mental health in the manifestos that were released by the shooters. The El Paso shooter was not a trump supporter who was indeed a white supremacist. The Dayton Ohio shooter was a Warren supporter who believed in socialism. He retweeted various tweets and issued vulgar language to others if they didn’t support socialism. White Supremacy is evil and is un-American. It is domestic terrorist ideology which we should go to war against together. We should be on the same page fighting side by side, but politics on both sides takes course.”

As also stated above, if you or someone you know has been impacted by gun violence or want to seek out help for mental health concerns reach out to UWL’s counseling and testing services. You can make an appointment in person or by calling 608-785-8073.