An easy way to weight loss?

Tyler Frickson, Staff Reporter

Having serious health problems due to weight can begin to be an issue for college students. Adjusting to life away from family and making healthy choices can be challenging. Most of the time, a change in lifestyle choices can be effective. But, if this just isn’t working, then prescription weight loss drugs may be a potential option.  However, it is important to note that taking prescription weight loss drugs does not replace the need to make healthy changes in one’s activity level or eating habits.
These prescription weight loss drugs are usually saved for people who have not been able to lose weight through typical diet and exercise, and who have health problems directly related to their weight.  Therefore, they are not for people who want to lose a few pounds for cosmetic purposes.  Over-the-counter weight loss drugs may also be an option to try at first as well, but it is still important to maintain healthy lifestyle choices for them to have an effect.
When someone begins taking weight loss drugs and combines it with a low-calorie diet and regular exercise, it can potentially create an average weight loss of five to ten percent of total body weight within a year, which is considered a normal goal for weight loss.  Medication is responsible for a portion of this, though diet and exercise play an enormous role in achieving this as well.
A person losing five to ten percent of their total body weight may not appear to be that much; however, even this modest level of weight loss can begin to have great improvements to one’s health.  These benefits can include, but not limited to, decreased blood pressure, decreased lipid levels, decreased blood glucose levels and increased insulin sensitivity.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that taking weight loss medications may not work for everyone.  When a person chooses to stop taking medication, it is entirely likely that they may regain some if not all of the weight they lost.
Taylor Liebfried, a junior at UW-La Crosse, said, “I think that weight-loss drugs could work for people, but I would definitely do research into specific brands before I decide that is what I would want.”
This is an important aspect of weight loss medication to consider, as possible side effects can be the bane of the user.  For example, Didrex, a common weight loss medication prescribed, has been known to cause issues such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, nervousness, insomnia, dry mouth and constipation.
If you meet the criteria for prescription weight-loss medication, you and your doctor should evaluate the potential risks and benefits of the medicine.  Cost is also another important factor as not all health insurance plans cover these kinds of medication.
Overall, weight loss drugs are not the easy fix to weight loss, but they can be a helpful tool to make diet and lifestyle adjustments.  Working to keep off the weight, however, is an ongoing fight.  And it is important to know that many people, despite their best efforts, can still regain much of what they lost.